[mkroot] How silly would it be if I renamed the project "hermetic"?

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Thu Mar 8 15:35:41 PST 2018

On 03/08/2018 05:09 PM, David Seikel wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Mar 2018 16:53:04 -0600 Rob Landley <rob at landley.net> wrote:
>> Because hermetic builds are what I'm trying to accomplish, and the
>> concept is sadly hard to google for. (I got that phrase from the
>> android guys, but they apparently only discuss it on their internal
>> boards.)
>> Of course it would be kinda unfair to make everybody change their
>> email filters _again_... :P
> I only just changed my email system for mkroot a few hours ago.  :-P
> And still not sure if my 486 reply got through.

It did, I just hadn't replied to it yet.

I have a failure mode of "Ooh, I did a proof of concept of that once, I know how
to do it, I have plans to do that properly in my todo list with a text file
somewhere with 20 lines of design notes..." and then not doing it for 4 years.

But if somebody else wants to do it I have to bite back the urge to bikeshed
about it at huge length.

(If I didn't have a day job and could just do open source programming full-time,
I _might_ be able to ekep up with the rate at which my todo list spins off
tangents. I doubt it, but it would at least be conceivable. As it is, my todo
list composts and forms archaeological layers.)

But yeah, as I replied to the other post: I did a blfs builder once. x11 crushes
down to a shell for loop quite nicely. (The trick is you can feed them all a
common command line option set, and the ones that don't need it will ignore it.
Or would in 2010, I haven't been defending against bit-rot on that so for all I
know it's developed a perl dependency...)


* Perl has no standard, there's a single magic implementation and whatever that
does is the definition of "perl". People objected when it was Microsoft World or
Excel whose bugs and corner cases defined a file format, but perl gets a pass.
Oh well.

** https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14858143

*** Not my _only_ obvious failure mode, no:

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