[qcc] Hello world.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Fri Jun 15 19:56:51 PDT 2012

Obviously, qcc doesn't work yet, and I don't really have time to work on
it yet (toybox has dibs on my hobbyist coding time until it has a 1.0
release), but I can at least do the cleanup and license clearance stuff,
and that requires a space to do so.

After that, my priority is refactoring the code so it's got a
multiplexer, I.E. I can go "ln -s qcc cpp" and then use cpp as a
preprocessor. (This should get me a decent way to modularizing the code
so I can swap out bits.)

The assembler's going to need work: that's the big bit I'll have to
write for each target.  The linker will need some work too. And the
preprocessor has to set the right default #defines for each target.

And of cource I'll have to understand tcg, get it hooked up write, and
people tell me I'll need to extend it significantly.  That's going to be

But first: license cleanup, then code cleanup/reorg/modularization. And
I should do a website...

GNU/Linux isn't: Linux=GPLv2, GNU=GPLv3+, they can't share code.
Either it's "mere aggregation", or a license violation.  Pick one.

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