[qcc] Fwd: qcc latest version

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Sat Sep 16 15:42:15 PDT 2017

On 09/16/2017 04:55 PM, Bruce Ewing wrote:
> When I talked to Rob about the original qcc project, I basically found
> that there are some licensing issues -- because there was additional
> code in tinycc that Fabrice did not have permission to relicense. We
> basically agreed that starting over with a complete rewrite and a new
> license was likely to be the best path.

Eh, I was going to grab Fabrice's last version, reverse the commits from
those other people, add my stuff on top, and then deal with todo items.
The problem is just lack of time: qcc comes after $DAYJOB, toybox,
mkroot, and a couple other things...

> But since I do not have a fully tokenized input stream, I could not
> effectively create the backends or the interfaces to them.

The existing tinycc code is doing this. It doesn't do things the way the
compiler books tell you to, that's what I liked about it. :)


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