[Toybox] Logjam broken!

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Sat Apr 14 20:36:07 PDT 2012

Commit 556 checks in the new dirtree stuff and the new ls implementation
that uses it. It breaks everything else that uses dirtree, including cp
and mdev and so on.

Andre: I'm sorry, but I completely replaced the ls implementation you
did. I started adapting it and then realized that the sorting and
directory descent logic (required by the standard) required more control
over the traversal order than the existing design gave.  You actually
_can't_ deal with the command line arguments individually, you have to
put them together into a pile and deal with them in multiple passes (one
of which is sorting them, and there's also lookahead for the indent and
-C logic, plus that whole "print the name: or don't print the name"
logic, which is sort of evil really). It took me a couple weeks of
poking at it to get the basics right, and it's still got bugs (-R isn't
currently recursing properly, for example).

I left your copyright notice on the file because your version did
provide me with an important starting point (albeit the insight was "no,
I can't make it work this way").  I can take it off if you don't feel
like getting emails about this implementation.

GNU/Linux isn't: Linux=GPLv2, GNU=GPLv3+, they can't share code.
Either it's "mere aggregation", or a license violation.  Pick one.


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