[Toybox] New toy: tail

Tim Elliott tle at holymonkey.com
Thu Feb 23 12:26:26 PST 2012

Hi all,

Attached is an implementation of tail. It is disabled by default
because -f is not yet implemented.

This patch has a workaround for a limitation with toybox argument
parsing. The -c and -n parameters are numeric arguments that can be
prefixed with a + or - sign. If the sign is omitted, they default to
negative. I would be happy to add something to the argument parser to
handle this.

This patch implements its own llist_add() helper. I wanted to put
llist_add() in lib/llist.c, but I had difficulty getting the void
pointer dereferencing right. Perhaps I should try again?

In certain situations, tail should seek and read from the end of the
input. This current implementation always reads from the beginning.

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