[Toybox] bzero(), rindex() and other "legacy" functions

Dmitriy Tochansky tochansky at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 00:07:37 PST 2012

2012/2/8 Rob Landley <rob at landley.net>

> > that I'm writing libc myself and tried to build toybox with it(like it
> > built in toybox) and got this warnings(not only :) ). So I asked about
> > standards of toybox.
> > It's not a problem for me, I can fix it myself. The reason of questions
> SUSv4, c99, LP64, dubious glances at the Linux man pages, and beyond
> that stay simple and wing it.
Its ok but LP64. I have focused on 32-bit, because the hardware I use.

> > When writing my toy-libc I use "The Open Group Base
> > Specifications Issue 7" so this functions is legacy for me. The question
> > what standards and codestyle you are guided.
> What license is your new library under?
Its planned to be BSD. There are enough of gpl libc's. :)

> PS I need to read more about bionic internals after your previos letter.
> > And maybe about toybox too. :)
> Bionic actually looks... almost sane.  Toolbox is a joke but bionic
> might be worth extending.  Dunno.
> In theory if you clone the android open source project there's a bionic
> subdirectory.  That's where I got the copy I was looking at at work.
> Alas, the android guys aren't big into DOCUMENTING what they're doing,
> so reading the code is pretty much it apparently...
Cloning it right now. In my researches I mostly used NetBSD sources. But
since the main purpose of my lib is Linux, have to keep an eye in glibc.
That the reason why I cant public it now - some code(mostly headers and
some code) is token from gnu libs. Hope bionic will help.

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