[Toybox] Newtoy: modinfo

Andre Renaud andre at bluewatersys.com
Sun Jul 8 22:24:18 PDT 2012

Attached is a simple implementation of modinfo. Assuming this is ok,
it lends itself pretty closely to the depmod (and possibly modprobe)
tool as well, in that they basically involve scanning /lib/modules for
.ko files and processing them.


Bluewater Systems - An Aiotec Company

Andre Renaud
andre at bluewatersys.com          5 Amuri Park, 404 Barbadoes St
www.bluewatersys.com            PO Box 13 889, Christchurch 8013
www.aiotec.co.nz                New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 3779127            Freecall: Australia 1800 148 751
Fax:   +64 3 3779135            USA 1800 261 2934
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