[Toybox] Todo list for release.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Fri Jun 8 08:20:43 PDT 2012

Right now, grep 'default n' toys/*.c is showing chown, comm, cp,
hostname, mdev, mke2fs, readlink, sed, toysh, and who. I.E. those are
commands currently implemented but not enabled in the default config,
meaning they're not ready for prime time.  (Generally they don't work
when plugged into aboriginal linux.)

Of those toysh, mdev, and mke2fs need more design work. sed isn't really
implemented yet and is largeish, probably a week of work (I.E. next

That leaves chown, comm, cp, hostname, readlink, and who as
"review/test/fix before release". (And really, chmod needs more testing,
that's the one I spent this past weekend on.)

In addition, I have Ashwini Sharma's bug report that the prebuilt
binaries aren't static (oops), and Rich Felker's bug report that xargs
isn't handling spaces according to posix (oh all right). (I also have
Kim Munsoo's request for a mv command, but that's next release.)

Plus the ls command claims to support -L but doesn't actually, and
that's screwing up autoconf, so I need to fix that.

Then run everything through the aboriginal linux and lfs builds, and if
it compiles to the end of both, cut a release.

GNU/Linux isn't: Linux=GPLv2, GNU=GPLv3+, they can't share code.
Either it's "mere aggregation", or a license violation.  Pick one.

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