[Toybox] How can I contribute to toybox

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Thu Oct 25 17:27:53 PDT 2012

On 10/10/2012 06:25:54 AM, kamlendu shekhar wrote:
> Hi,
> I am sorry for silly question.
> But really I want to know that, how can I contribute to the 
> community.
> How will I come to know that on which command I should work and whome
> should I send the code for review.

Sorry for the delay. My email's been broken for a month and I just got 
it fixed yesterday.

During that time I gave my two weeks notice at my day job which has 
been eating my life all year; it left me too exhausted to work on my 
open source stuff. I've been gradually falling behind all year, and it 
finally got to the point where I quit the job rather than let it be my 
life. I'm taking a month or two to recover before figuring out what to 
do next, and part of that recovery is catching up on toybox.

What toybox really needs in the short run is testing. One of my big 
todo items is going through the Posix and LSB standards and trying to 
come up with tests for commands in the roadmap (on the website). I have 
an incomplete test suite in scripts/test but it doesn't cover all the 
commands that are currently in, let alone commands that haven't been 
implemented yet.


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