[Toybox] [patch] - add '-v' for ln and mkdir

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Wed Dec 18 08:25:51 PST 2013

On 11/22/2013 03:50:16 AM, Ashwini Sharma wrote:
> Hi Rob, list,
> I know _-v_ option is not mentioned in the posix specs for _ln_ and  
> _mkdir_ commands.

Yeah, but if somebody needs it and it's not too intrusive... (I know  
linux from scratch uses the -v flags all the time.)

> I had an use case for these options at my end, so modified _ln.c_
> and _mkdir.c_ to have them. Would you mind adding these to the tree.
> Attached are the patches for _ln_ and _mkdir_.

Let's see, "mkdir -vp toys" doesn't print a message if the directory  
already existed... that's correct.

(I should add this to the test suite. And while I'm there, alphabetize  
the mkdir command options. And that's a tab after the option letter,  
not two spaces. And you don't actually need a variable to store the  
return value if the if statement is reordered...)

As for ln, doesn't currently have a test suite. I should add one. (On  
the todo list...)

Anyway, applied. Thanks,


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