[Toybox] Toybox post from l.skalski at partner.samsung.com requires approval

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Mon Sep 2 16:45:42 PDT 2013

Lukasz Skalski <l.skalski at partner.samsung.com> said:
> Hi Rob,
> In attachment you can find an implementation of pwdx comannd.

Applied here, although it may take a bit to collate and upload.  
(Migrating systems, email not on main work machine because I don't just  
want to reinstall balsa, it's a really crappy email program...)

> I know that pwdx is not on your TODO list, but it could be useful toy.

It's a really trivial wrapper for:

   $ readlink /proc/$$/pwd

But it's smallish, and if you say you need it...

> The pwdx command reports the current working directory of a process
> or processes.

Badly. Not yours, I mean the upstream version of pwdx is a badly  
command. Failure is not recognized in the return code:

   $ pwdx 9999999 && echo hello
   9999999: No such process
   $ pwdx 1 && echo hello
   1: Permission denied

I _guess_ you can distinguish between success and failure when it  
return an absolute path? (Directory names can have spaces in them, but
absolute paths always start with / which error messages don't...)

I'll trust your judgement that this is a command you actually need, and  
is small. But I'm tempted to make it behave like grep does with  
(only prefix with an identifier when you have more than one argument).

> Please review and add it to the tree if found suitable.
> Let me know for any comments.

It's in here, plus a (mostly cosmetic) cleanup pass. Might not get  
to the website for a bit...

Still a slight delta from upstream:

   $ ./toybox pwdx 42
   42: No such file or directory
   $ pwdx 42
   42: No such process

But I'm not special-casing an english-only message when the rest are  


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