[Toybox] - Add fsck

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Sat Sep 7 02:41:15 PDT 2013

On 09/03/2013 03:00:50 AM, Ashwini Sharma wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> Attached is the patch for _fsck_ toy.
> This will parse _/etc/fstab_ for devices and their properties and  
> then does
> a _fork_ _exec_ for the
> fsck.<type> tool.

I'm in the process of adding the /etc/fstab parsing code for umount  
(for user mounts in suid mode), in a way it can be shared by mount.  
This looks like it needs the same code.

strtol_range() is similar to what lib/args.c does, presumably there's  
common code to be had there. But the only call to strtol_range() has  
the range 0, INT_MAX so I'm not sure why it's there?

Also, are the getenv(FSCK_MAX_INST) and getenv(FSTAB_FILE) really  
necessary? (There's no spec, are the functionality either one provides  
actually something toybox needs to worry about? I dunno your use case,  
did you implement because you actually need it or just because it was  

list_free() exists because ->data is a separate allocation, let's see  
if that's actually necessary... The only caller is free_all() feeding  
it TT.devices, which is initialized in fsck_main() assigning an  
xstrdup() to data. The field it's duplicating is environment data that  
lives for the duration of the function, so the only reason to dup it is  
if it's modified. Is it modified? Not through TT.devices at the end of  
fsck_main() dev = TT.devices and then dev-> is strcmped (not modifying  
it) and then assigned to mt.mnt_fsname which is passed to create_db()  
which... does another strdup() on it.

So no, the copy isn't necessary, meaning the free function isn't  
necessary. It can just llist_traverse(&list, free);

> Have a look at it and let me know for your comments.

Not so trivial I can clean it up right here and now. Reluctant to add  
yet more to the giant heap of unreviewed stuff that pending has turned  
into. (Yes, it can be in pending for months and then get completely  

My talk outline for Ohio Linuxfest is due today, so I need to do that  
instead of cleaning this up at the moment. And when I do get back to  
cleanup I'm 2/3 of the way through the tail stuff in response to Felix.  
And _then_ I need to finish umount and the cleanup of the ipv6 bits of  
ifconfig so I can cut a toybox release so I can cut an Aboriginal Linux  
release using the 3.11 kernel.

Musl maintainer Rich Felker is also giving a talk at Ohio Linuxfest,  
and I was hoping to have my aboriginal linux ccwrap rewrite done by the  
time I get off the plane thursday so I could go over it with him in  
person. (I might delay the aboriginal linux release for that, dunno  

Sorry I'm behind on email right now...


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