[Toybox] Hello world.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Tue Jun 17 17:47:58 PDT 2014

Sorry for the radio silence, I took friday off to prepare my talk for
Texas linuxfest and instead managed to give myself heatstroke (missed my
bus stop going to the convention center, the walk from where the bus
dropped me off was farther than I realized in 90 degree weather, when i
got there I rehydrated by guzzling an energy drink, and when it wore off
I crashed hard enough my fingernails turned blue. Learning experience:
don't rehydrate with strong caffeine, you feel _fine_ until it suddenly
wears off and your blood pressure drops.)

I still managed to give my talk saturday, and have been recovering and
catching up from lost time at $DAYJOB since.

I also noticed that toybox defconfig isn't building under aboriginal
because posix_fallocate() isn't there unless you select
UCLIBC_ADVANCED_REALTIME, which is nuts both because what does that have
to do with realtime scheduling and because I _HAVE_ that enabled in the
config but it's not taking effect for some reason...

I need to rebuild aboriginal userspace to properly test mount and
umount. I reengineered umount to add losetup -d support so I can then
test the corresponding addition to mount.

I want to finish mount off this release (and clean up a bunch of pending
stuff), and I'm aiming for a release end of the month. The quarterly
kernel release is out already, so I'm already behind on getting an
aboriginal linux release out, and that needs toybox in it...

Anyway, this rubbed my nose in the fact I need to switch aboriginal over
to using musl, which involves the ccwrap.c rewrite, so that's what I've
been doing in my free time so far this week. Not quite there yet, but
significant progress.

Just a heads up.



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