[Toybox] Still working...

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Mon Jun 23 04:57:41 PDT 2014

Debugging the ccwrap stuff ate all weekend, but test builds of
aboriginal with musl are grinding away (and failing, and being fixed,
and trying again) as I type this. Which means I turn my attention back
to toybox to try to get a release out by the end of the month.

The aboriginal cleanup lets me get unblocked on finishing mount (and the
corresponding umount changes writing mount reminded me were needed).
That's probably my only remining new development this release, the rest
of the week is devoted to cleanup and promotion of low hanging fruit in
the pending directory: I've got a half-dozen partial cleanups in my tree
already, and would like to get a lot more out of there.

Since last release the pending directory has added lsattr, chattr,
inotifyd, rfkill, sulogin, strings, makedevs, killall5, arp, sysctl,
partprobe, and host. I have to get at least that many commands cleaned
up and promoted OUT of pending just to break even. Actually dealing with
the backlog would mean doing more than that...

Working on it. :)



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