[Toybox] Did I mention the release?

David Seikel onefang at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 19:47:56 PDT 2015

On Thu, 19 Mar 2015 20:52:46 -0500 Rob Landley <rob at landley.net> wrote:

> The other thing is that "top" does terminal control similar to "less".
> And "watch" should do the same, and ps does a _little_ of the same.
> (They query the terminal size and truncate output at screen width and
> screen height.) So my plan was to genericize _that_ code, in a way
> that works with shell command line history editing and vi.

Well, you could start with the boxes / handlekeys code I keep sending
you every couple of years for inclusion.  Which does exactly that,
including basic working examples for less, shell, vi, and others.

I keep worrying that you'll write this stuff yourself, making my work
useless and wasted.  Especially since you keep saying it's your plan to
write it.  I'm happy to write this stuff, I'm not happy it's taking
years to get any of it into toybox, with zero progress so far.

I'm considering just making boxes a separate project from toybox, since
it's otherwise not going anywhere.  People are asking me for fixes,
more advanced editing, and to help out.  Hell, I want to add more
advanced editing stuff, so that I can use it myself.  I keep having to
tell them "frozen, coz Rob".  B-(

I don't want to make it separate though, it will be a pain, especially
if I need to patch toybox to suit boxes.  Fork and diverge is not
something I want to do to toybox.

I should probably take your sed code and pull out the generic editing
bits, then convert boxes to use that.  At the very least that might make
it easier for you to read, coz some of it will be your code.  I'm not
particularly tied to my line handling and basic editing functions code.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.
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