[Toybox] OSX clang Support

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Sat Mar 28 09:56:00 PDT 2015

On 03/28/2015 03:51 AM, Yeongdeok Claudia Suh wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m developing toybox on OS X environment too.
> But Mavericks clang and sed are kind of tricky, so it cuses error.

In theory you can use toybox sed to build toybox. In practice, there's a
bit of a chicken and egg problem there. :)

The generated/build.sh file exists so you can try to copy a build that
happens on one system on another system that's missing infrastructure
scripts/make.sh needs. It's _just_ the compiler invocation, and the rest
of the directory contains all the generated files. (The build shouldn't
write anything outside of generated (except the kconfig output files
".config" and such), unless you're using the single build targets
(scripts/single.sh or "make change").

> In my opinion, this error may be occured on only osx.
> I wanna debug it. Is there any flags for build process debugging?

Try "V=1 make".

(If you export the environment variable "V=1" the build should show you
all the compiler and linker calls.)

> Expletively, do you have plan for keeping branches per systems?

Not source control branches, but look at lib/portability.h and
lib/portability.c for system-specific #ifdefs, and the probesymbol()
stuff which sets environment-specific config symbols in

That said, kconfig was extracted from the linux kernel and doesn't even
build on pcbsd, let alone OS X. I checked in a kconfig/README entry
recently explaining the plan to replace it with a fresh implementation
(that isn't gpl and is generally more portable), but it's a low priority
at the moment.

That was the roadblock I hit last time I tried to build toybox on bsd, I
couldn't run "make defconfig" due to kconfig not compiling.

> Thanks,
> YD



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