[Toybox] [PATCH] Make yesno printf-like.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Tue Sep 1 23:26:14 PDT 2015

On 09/01/2015 08:35 PM, enh wrote:
> Make yesno printf-like.

This just makes me uncomfortable that it's nonobvious enough somebody's
going to yesno(1, usersupplieddata);.

You never reprompt for yesno so printing arbitrarily complex prompt
could be the caller's job. That was intentional.

> In addition to making most existing code slightly simpler, this will
> let us move "if (!isatty(0)) return def;" into yesno so we can avoid
> printing a prompt in non-interactive situations.

Except you don't want to do that without a flag of its own:

$ cp -a lib bloit
$ cat | rm -ri bloit | cat
rm: descend into directory ‘bloit’? y
rm: remove regular file ‘bloit/help.c’? y

That's the ubuntu implementation, not mine, so if it's wrong it's at
least definitively wrong. :) Suppressing the prompt has to be done on a
per-case basis.

Let me think about it a bit...



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