[Toybox] [landley/toybox] Help building toybox with the NDK/bionic (#43)

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Tue Aug 16 14:22:59 PDT 2016

On 08/16/2016 04:04 PM, enh wrote:
> looking at the bug, i can cut a long story short for you: cutils isn't
> an NDK library, and you don't have a new enough NDK to have <pty.h>.
> (there are also going to be a ton of other problems hidden behind those.)
> the bad news is that NDK r13 won't have <pty.h> either --- we slipped
> the unified headers to r14 yesterday, sadly, because although we do have
> headers, we haven't got enough of the build system support done, and we
> don't want to hold up the release (which includes independently useful
> stuff such as an updated libc++ and the new command-line cpu profiler).
> https://github.com/android-ndk/ndk/issues/120 is the bug covering the
> unified headers work, though the action is all in AOSP so that bug
> doesn't show you the changes as they go in.
> anyway, yeah, the NDK headers are about three years behind the platform.
> (fun fact: the N and M headers are actually just the L headers, and the
> L headers aren't actually the platform L headers either.) until we
> finish fixing that mess, you're just wasting your time and polluting
> your code.
> if you want to run on a modern device, build out of an appropriate AOSP
> tree. if you want to run on an old device, build statically out of a
> modern AOSP tree.

I have a machine I can clear 200 gigs off of, but it's not the netbook I
have with me most of the time. Is there any way I can build and then
_export_ a toolchain from AOSP?

Presumably the NDK comes from somewhere...



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