[Toybox] [PATCH] Add xxd -p and -r.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Mon Feb 22 11:56:21 PST 2016

On 02/19/2016 12:11 PM, dmccunney wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 12:53 PM, Rob Landley <rob at landley.net> wrote:
>> Why does posix even bother having od if nobody seems to use it?
> I've used od, though not in some time.
>> (Why does posix still maintain its standard documents in SCCS?
>> Seriously, sccs->rcs->cvs->svn->bk->git means it's _5_ generations
>> behind...)
> And Gnu has CSSC (Compatibly Stupid Source Control) a GPL sccs
> implementation whose intended use case is to let you move stuff *out*
> of sccs and into something more modern.
> Eric S. Raymond has a tool called reposurgeon intended to automate
> most of the conversion when migrating to a new DVCS.  He wants to make
> CVS go away.  I should point him at POSIX as someone in need of his
> services.

Eric and I have our own history, which includes me spending 4 months
crashing on his couch in 2003 doing an "editing" pass on "The Art of
Unix Programming" that expanded the book from 9 chapters to 20 (I'm
credited in the Author's Acknowledgements as almost co-author) and ended
in 2011 when he became a climate change denialist and I called him on it:


(That was before he got indignant about girl cooties invading Linus
Torvalds' precious bodily fluids, or whatever he's on about now. I find
it all very sad and try not to look.)

I'm aware of most of his projects from back before then. I was also
quietly aware of his opinions on the book "The Bell Curve", and other
things that gradually increased the conversational gaps to the point I
wasn't willing to jump over them anymore to get an otherwise valuable
differing perspective. (My family got a commodore 64 for christmas in
1982 and by new year's it lived in my room, he started as a professional
vax admin the same year. He was an ex-math prodigy who burned out young
and dropped out of college, I'm a engineering type doing something like
plumbing... I think we got good work out of each other. Unfortunately
for the relationship, I am _not_ a "libertarian anarchist" who believes
that if John Galt takes his ball and goes home society will collapse
without the magic special people and that'll show 'em, nor that
eliminating government so we can revert to a feudal system based on
corporate hegemony so CEOs can be kings and employees can be serfs would
improve anything. I may not be capturing Eric's positions accurately
there, but no longer care.)


P.S. http://www.catb.org/esr/halloween/halloween9.html I did most of,
http://www.catb.org/~esr/hackerlore/sco-vs-ibm.html he did most of,
was more evenly split with me mostly doing the first half and him doing
a lot more of the second half. I noticed that last paper's thesis doing
the appendices of Halloween IX and in particular wanted to expand the
table in http://www.catb.org/esr/halloween/halloween9.html#itanium and
work through the ramifications, but didn't have any idea what to _do_
about it and Eric did, so. Yes, I'm aware I missed a big curve, and
blogged about it: http://landley.net/notes-2011.html#26-06-2011 and
you'll notice that's more or less what got me to take a second look at
Android. :)

P.P.S. The _only_ reason I'm pondering conventional man page/troff
support in toybox at all (post-1.0 if ever) is the pair programming
sessions we spent debugging doclifter. I won't say I didn't learn a lot
from Eric, but when I first met him he expressed concern that his
ex-friend from 1980's science fiction conventions, Richard Stallman, had
ossified into a loon (my words, not his, the actual conversation was
more like 20 minutes), and he was afraid the same would happen to him as
he got older. Me, I try not to be that sure I'm right about _anything_...


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