[Toybox] DEBUG + NORECURSE "mount" crash when not root

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Sun Jan 24 19:24:43 PST 2016

On 01/23/2016 12:31 AM, enh wrote:
> my work-around for now is to disable CFG_TOYBOX_DEBUG and use
> CFG_TOYBOX_ON_ANDROID || CFG_TOYBOX_DEBUG to control the memset in ls:
> https://android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/197530/ (click on the file
> names to see the diffs.)

My responses to this sort of bug report tend to trail off halfway
through unsent as I go "but that would mean..." and get distracted by
debugging the problem.

FYI I saw this, I started to reproduce it in an open window, and I hit
the fact that "./toybox mount" without the suid bit exits without doing
anything because toy_exec() tries to exit to force xexec() to re-exec to
gain root permissions, wbut the multiplexer doesn't call xexec() when
launching a builtin so it thinks the command_main() exited.

I think I have to record that we _had_ root permissions and dropped them
in a toys field in order to know when to re-exec...

Anyway, saw it, working on it. Thanks for the heads up.

(Up to my neck in top stuff, and redoing the Linux From Scratch boot
control image over in aboriginal linux because my old 6.8 one doesn't
work with musl, but working on this too...)



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