[Toybox] all argument parsing broken right now?

enh enh at google.com
Sat Jul 16 09:45:37 PDT 2016

/tmp$ git clone https://github.com/landley/toybox.git toybox-clean
Cloning into 'toybox-clean'...
remote: Counting objects: 13237, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (55/55), done.
remote: Total 13237 (delta 24), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 13182
Receiving objects: 100% (13237/13237), 4.54 MiB | 4.48 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (9015/9015), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
/tmp$ cd toybox-clean
/tmp/toybox-clean$ make defconfig
cc -o kconfig/conf kconfig/conf.c kconfig/zconf.tab.c -DKBUILD_NO_NLS=1 \
kconfig/conf -D /dev/null Config.in > /dev/null
/tmp/toybox-clean$ make
Generate headers from toys/*/*.c...
generated/newtoys.h Library probe.........
Make generated/config.h from .config.
generated/flags.h generated/globals.h generated/tags.h generated/help.h
Compile toybox...............................................................................................................
/tmp/toybox-clean$ ./toybox ls -l
usage: toybox [--long | --version | [command] [arguments...]]

With no arguments, shows available commands. First argument is
name of a command to run, followed by any arguments to that command.

--long Show path to each command
--version Show toybox version

To install command symlinks, try:
  for i in $(/bin/toybox --long); do ln -s /bin/toybox $i; done

toybox: Unknown option l

looks like it works for individual commands though, just the
multiplexer is broken:

/tmp/toybox-clean$ ./generated/unstripped/md5sum -c
usage: md5sum [-b] [-c FILE] [FILE]...

Calculate md5 hash for each input file, reading from stdin if none.
Output one hash (32 hex digits) for each input file, followed by filename.

-b brief (hash only, no filename)
-c Check each line of FILE is the same hash+filename we'd output.

md5sum: Missing argument to -c

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