[Toybox] [PATCH] Fix iteration for start/stop without arguments.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Tue Jun 28 03:53:50 PDT 2016

On 06/27/2016 04:52 PM, enh wrote:
> ---
>  toys/android/start.c | 4 ++--
>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

I checked both of these in verbatim, because I don't have a test
environment to even compile test these changes, even though I don't see
how moving the ? : test out of the one user into a gratuitous variable
that's used exactly once is related to the fact I forgot to remove the
extra argument when I moved the test inline, and would have changed the
-1 to a -3 on the ss += ARRAY_LEN(SERVICES) line (still a single
constant office) rather than assigning services to it again when it was
assigned on the previous line.

But as I said: I don't have a test environment. I need to fix that.

I cleared off 30 gigs of space on my netbook before looking up the build
requirements for current AOSP:


150 gigs. I believe the hard drive in this thing is 300 total. Kinda not
happening until I get a bigger drive and perform surgery. (Shoulda done
it during the reinstall with 14.04, but I didn't have a disk lying around.)

Working on it. It would be nice if I could build a bionic toolchain by
itself, and a basic "just enough to boot to command line" minimal
android kernel+userspace, but no. (I think the 30 gigs figure was just
how much source it downloaded before it started building anything last
time I tried this.)


(I've learned over the years that having a primary development machine I
carry with me all the time, and other machines being backups I rsync to,
works best for me. When more than one machine is "primary" I start swap
thrashing data between them and lose track of what's current where and
it just turns into a versioning mess. I don't have an AOSP build on my
primary machine, and that's becoming an issue for me.)

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