[Toybox] musl intentionally broke chrt

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Wed Aug 30 01:42:51 PDT 2017

On 08/29/2017 10:32 AM, enh wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 8:32 AM, enh <enh at google.com> wrote:
>> can't you just infer musl from the relatively small
> ...number of c libraries out there...

It would work, but I'm uncomfortable with it.

People keep threatening to port toybox to to BSD and MacOS, there is an
active uClibc fork buildroot's using, it's posible newlib, klibc, or
dietlibc will grow legs someday, far down on my todo list is maybe
porting toybox to xv6, what library is fuchsia using, musl itself didn't
publicly exist ~5 years ago...

The posix API is insufficient so I'm using Linux as my API, but
freebsd's Linux emulation layer is a viable target too, and I wanted the
rest of it to be as generic as I could with target-specific stuff hidden
in portability.h. That means C library, compiler, processor architecture...

I'm not sure that's _achievable_ with musl refusing to identify itself
because its' experience is universal and everyone else is wrong...

Sigh. If I'm going to have the "else case" apply workarounds, I might as
well make the workarounds apply to everybody. Calling the syscalls
directly isn't that big a deal.

But having musl stay broken because it broke itself seems pretty
reasonable too. The fact is, Linux has a system call and the man page
says we have a certain behavior, and musl isn't supporting that. If you
build against a uClibc where you switched off regex support, grep won't
work. If you build against a musl you haven't fixed, chrt won't work...

(This is one of those "the choices are close enough that there's no
obvious winner" things that's harder to make than a more important
decision would be. :)

Right now I've thrown it back on the todo list, which means "musl stays
broken" is the default for now. Probably acceptable. Lemme finish this
utf8 plumbing and then I need to fix ps again, then get back to... was
lsof or dd next?


(Taking a break from endless GPS. For some reason it takes me about a
day to switch mental contexts after doing serious GPS stuff, and I keep
getting sucked back into "5 more minutes of GPS, just this one quick
thing" that turns into 8 hours, so I'm saying no a bit because the
toybox todo heap is teetering dangerously September 19th is the 3 month
anniversary of last release which means time for a new one...)

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