[Toybox] [PATCH] Support the %N coreutils/busybox extension to date.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Thu May 11 08:05:36 PDT 2017

On 05/09/2017 10:59 AM, enh wrote:
> what's the plan? "half an eye is better than no eye" (especially when
> no-one else has this particular missing eye), or "rewrite the test to
> use --full-time"?
> since i personally have never needed %N except for getting this test
> to run, i'm happy to do either.

Sigh. %N is a good feature to have but 30 lines of code to add it makes
me wince, and it's one of those "eh, both sides have a strong argument"...

Lemme see what I can clean up here...

(You're right that --full-time is already in, and tests rewritten to use
that would be merged as-is. But that's not a reason _not_ to have %N,
nanoseconds are a thing these days and "date" should support them. Only
supporting them in one direction makes me sad, hwclock should support
them too, which usually involves spinning and re-reading to find the
edge if I recall... Did I already do that? I have a note but which todo
list it would be in... "ls todo*.* */todo*.* */*/todo*.* | wc -l" finds
50 files. "Collate todo lists" is a perennial todo item...)


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