[Toybox] [PATCH] mktemp: yet more tests, and yet more fixes.
enh at google.com
Wed Dec 5 17:34:29 PST 2018
In particular this reuses the password.c code for random ASCII bytes.
lib/lib.h | 1 +
lib/password.c | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------
tests/mktemp.test | 6 ++++++
toys/lsb/mktemp.c | 24 ++++++++++++++++++------
4 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/lib.h b/lib/lib.h
index 14bb7cf6..d51bad4a 100644
--- a/lib/lib.h
+++ b/lib/lib.h
@@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ int pollinate(int in1, int in2, int out1, int
out2, int timeout, int shutdown_ti
char *ntop(struct sockaddr *sa);
// password.c
+void get_random_ascii(char *buf, int buflen);
int get_salt(char *salt, char * algo);
// commas.c
diff --git a/lib/password.c b/lib/password.c
index b9cc1346..e3598989 100644
--- a/lib/password.c
+++ b/lib/password.c
@@ -8,6 +8,26 @@
#include "toys.h"
#include <time.h>
+void get_random_ascii(char *buf, int buflen)
+ int i;
+ // Read appropriate number of random bytes for salt
+ xgetrandom(libbuf, ((buflen*6)+7)/8, 0);
+ // Grab 6 bit chunks and convert to characters in ./0-9a-zA-Z
+ for (i=0; i<buflen; i++) {
+ int bitpos = i*6, bits = bitpos/8;
+ bits = ((libbuf[i]+(libbuf[i+1]<<8)) >> (bitpos&7)) & 0x3f;
+ bits += 46;
+ if (bits > 57) bits += 7;
+ if (bits > 90) bits += 6;
+ buf[i] = bits;
+ }
// generate ID prefix and random salt for given encryption algorithm.
int get_salt(char *salt, char *algo)
@@ -23,20 +43,7 @@ int get_salt(char *salt, char *algo)
if (al[i].id) s += sprintf(s, "$%c$", '0'+al[i].id);
- // Read appropriate number of random bytes for salt
- xgetrandom(libbuf, ((len*6)+7)/8, 0);
- // Grab 6 bit chunks and convert to characters in ./0-9a-zA-Z
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
- int bitpos = i*6, bits = bitpos/8;
- bits = ((libbuf[i]+(libbuf[i+1]<<8)) >> (bitpos&7)) & 0x3f;
- bits += 46;
- if (bits > 57) bits += 7;
- if (bits > 90) bits += 6;
- s[i] = bits;
- }
+ get_random_ascii(s, len);
salt[len] = 0;
return s-salt;
diff --git a/tests/mktemp.test b/tests/mktemp.test
index ee023d6b..0c235469 100755
--- a/tests/mktemp.test
+++ b/tests/mktemp.test
@@ -37,3 +37,9 @@ testing "-p DIR -t TEMPLATE but no TMPDIR" "TMPDIR=
mktemp -u -p DIR -t hello.XX
# mktemp -u doesn't need to be able to write to the directory.
testing "-u" "mktemp -u -p /proc | grep -q '^/proc/tmp\...........$'
&& echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
+# mktemp needs at least XX in the template.
+testing "bad template" "mktemp -u helloX || echo error" "error\n" "" ""
+# mktemp -q shouldn't print the path.
+testing "-q" "mktemp -p /proc -q || echo only-failure" "only-failure\n" "" ""
diff --git a/toys/lsb/mktemp.c b/toys/lsb/mktemp.c
index 57d1d118..b9e144dc 100644
--- a/toys/lsb/mktemp.c
+++ b/toys/lsb/mktemp.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ void mktemp_main(void)
int template_dir = template && !!strchr(template, '/');
int flags_dir = (toys.optflags & (FLAG_p|FLAG_t));
int use_dir = flags_dir && !template_dir;
+ char *s, *e;
if (template_dir && flags_dir) error_exit("conflicting directories given");
@@ -61,12 +62,23 @@ void mktemp_main(void)
// TODO: coreutils cleans paths, so -p /t/// would result in /t/xxx...
template = use_dir ? xmprintf("%s/%s", TT.p, template) : xstrdup(template);
- if (toys.optflags & FLAG_u) {
- template = mktemp(template);
- } else if (toys.optflags & FLAG_d ? !mkdtemp(template) :
mkstemp(template) == -1) {
- if (toys.optflags & FLAG_q) toys.exitval = 1;
- else perror_exit("Failed to create %s %s/%s",
- toys.optflags & FLAG_d ? "directory" : "file", TT.p, template);
+ // Point `s` and `e` to the start and end of the last region of XXXXXXes.
+ s = e = strrchr(template, 'X');
+ if (!e || e == template || *(e-1) != 'X') error_exit("need XX in template");
+ while (s >= template && *(s-1) == 'X') --s;
+ while (1) {
+ struct stat sb;
+ get_random_ascii(s, (e-s+1));
+ if ((FLAG(u) && lstat(template, &sb) == -1 && errno == ENOENT) ||
+ (FLAG(d) && mkdir(template, 0700) != -1) ||
+ (open(template, O_CREAT|O_CLOEXEC, 0500) != -1)) break;
+ if (errno == EEXIST) continue;
+ if (FLAG(q)) {
+ toys.exitval = 1;
+ return;
+ } else perror_exit("%s", template);
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