[Toybox] [PATCH] macOS: move getmountlist.c functions into portability.c.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Wed Dec 5 09:56:03 PST 2018

On 12/5/18 6:31 AM, David Seikel wrote:
>> There's something strange about gmail and this mailing list.  I still
>> can read your messages only from Elliot Hughes' replies (And of
>> course I saw that message since you Cc'ed me). I can't even find your
>> messages in the "Spam" folder in Thunderbird!
> Switching to no longer using gmail seems to have worked for me.
> Though now I'm getting annoyed at mailman sending plain ASCII text as
> base64 encoding.  My email proggy can't handle quoting that.  It didn't
> used to.

I wonder if that's related to me enabling the "header rewrite" option to avoid
triggering gmail's spam filtering when a mail server has that funky sender
verification thing that breaks mailing lists?

Apparently it's gotten so bad some open source projects are abandoning mailing


Given that everything else is subject to cloud rot, I'm pretty sure the ones
that _don't_ abandon mailing lists will outlive the ones that do. But it'll be
some years before that shakes out. (When microsoft finally kills github it's
gonna suck for the digital archaeologists.)


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