[Toybox] [landley/toybox] Add bc to pending (second attempt) (#86)

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Mon Mar 12 15:33:31 PDT 2018

On 03/12/2018 05:06 PM, Gavin D. Howard wrote:
> I will also close this PR because I hadn't realized that you had already pulled
> the code in. (GitHub did not tell me for some reason.)

I tend to wget the .patch url in the email and then "git am" it. That way
there's no gratuitous merge commit. (I've never convinced the web plumbing not
to create merge commits when there was no actual merge.)

In many ways, I'm a bad githubber. For toybox I'm pretty much just using it as a
repository mirror. I have a new mkroot project (which I'll probably rename
"hermetic" in the next day or two because creating a hermetic build environment
down to the bare metal/container is the point of the thing) that I'm trying to
do actual github services for. That one doesn't have its own web page (just a
mailing list and a README). I might use github's wiki stuff for more web stuff?
Or figure out what a "gist" is...


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