[Toybox] new coreutils ls quoting options...

enh enh at google.com
Wed May 2 22:55:20 PDT 2018

i was surprised to see all the files in `ls` output indented by one
space today. turns out that was because there was a file with a space
in the name in that directory.

/tmp/x$ touch 'hello.txt' 'hello world.txt'
/tmp/x$ ls
 hello.txt  'hello world.txt'
/tmp/x$ ls -1
'hello world.txt'
/tmp/x$ ls --quoting-style=
ls: ambiguous argument ‘’ for ‘--quoting-style’
Valid arguments are:
  - ‘literal’
  - ‘shell’
  - ‘shell-always’
  - ‘shell-escape’
  - ‘shell-escape-always’
  - ‘c’
  - ‘c-maybe’
  - ‘escape’
  - ‘locale’
  - ‘clocale’
Try 'ls --help' for more information.
/tmp/x$ ls --quoting-style=literal
hello.txt  hello world.txt
/tmp/x$ ls --quoting-style=shell
 hello.txt  'hello world.txt'
/tmp/x$ ls --quoting-style=c
"hello.txt"  "hello world.txt"

i'm not sure what the default corresponds to. presumably "shell",
which ought to have been "shell-maybe" to match "c-maybe"? (or "c"
should have been "c-always" and "c-maybe" should have been "c"?
another defeat snatched from the jaws of victory by the FSF... i
wonder when they'll add the option so i can get shell and c quoting
for the help text, rather than these left/right quotes?)

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