[Toybox] alias tar="tar --restrict"

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Thu Apr 11 17:45:58 PDT 2019

On 4/11/19 7:12 PM, enh wrote:
>> Yeah but if their implementation's 20 years old and I had the short option name
>> first...
> that would be a stronger argument if you were actually going to POSIX
> with this stuff. the trouble is that they _do_...

Posix removed "tar" and "cpio" from their standard command list over 10 years
ago, in favor of something nobody anywhere uses for anything. What would telling
them I added something to tar accomplish?


Meanwhile, https://lwn.net/Articles/658809/ kinda took the LSB out of
commission. (Their initial gripe was Red Hat paid them to standardize RPM but
not .deb, and Ubuntu objected hard but couldn't outbid Red Hat.)

I very much want standards, but the standards _bodies_ seem to have idiots
driving. One is seniority uber alles and the other bows to the largest check and
has since been joined by microsoft.


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