[Toybox] [PATCH] date: more test cleanup.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Wed Feb 13 10:14:29 PST 2019

On 2/13/19 11:18 AM, enh wrote:
>> If you want a cannonical way to record an instant in time, it's unixtime (with
>> fractional part). For all the rest of it, "January 3rd" generally means this
>> year. "The third" means this month...
>> Seem reasonable?
> mostly. personally i think unix and ISO are both reasonable, but that
> in general any format that elides _larger_ stuff than you've already
> given should just be rejected (and eliding anything _smaller_ gets you
> zeros). so folks saying 2019-02-13 getting the other fields zeroed
> sgtm, but i'd just say "no" to 02-13 or equivalents. i'm maybe
> sympathetic to accepting "09:15" meaning "just leave the date alone",
> but honestly think even that will probably cause more harm over its
> lifetime than the good it will do.

Which means your array of accepted formats needs a "to blank nor not to blank"
field, which could just be an initial ! character or something.

P.S. 0x2b|!0x2b==0xff

> (i was pleased to see that the AOSP build only uses unix and ISO. and
> of course we're obliged to support POSIX, even if it does have the
> weird [[CC]YY] behavior. and is little-endian.)

But the build uses the TZ stuff?

>> Rob
>> PS. I can understand having localtime() and gmtime() pay attention to an
>> environment variable for historical reasons, but when you make an _r version and
>> DON'T pass the timezone as an argument what is WRONG with you? Answer: the FSF
>> is what's wrong with you... Grrr, funky side channel signaling via global state...
> the BSDs have _tz variants, but iirc they're subtly different because
> that's what BSD does best.

I continue to plead the third.

(Why are we calling tzset() again? What's the point?)


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