[Toybox] [PATCH] bind/connect cleanup.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Thu Jul 11 09:27:54 PDT 2019

On 7/10/19 3:51 PM, Denys Nykula wrote:
> Background infinite loop starting with the system, checking
> /sys/class/power_supply/*/charge_now once a minute and running
> echo mem >/sys/power/state to re-suspend if its value is below a
> certain point and previous suspend according to system logs was
> more than N minutes ago? Might need some dedicated suspend
> util to power down hardware manually if laptop's ACPI doesn't do
> it reliably and consumption remains high.

It's the bios, it bounces right back up. Last laptop I had with this would
suspend/resume/suspend/resume in a loop, ate power even faster.

I'd need it to hibernate, and Linux hasn't come back from suspend to disk on any
machine I've owned in years. (Dunno why. I should poke at trying to get the new
one to work, but if it doesn't there's generally not a lot of info about why it


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