[Toybox] [PATCH] du.test: skip on Mac.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Sun Nov 24 01:16:13 PST 2019

On 11/23/19 10:05 AM, enh wrote:
>     So the right thing to do (in the absence of a generic way to test filesystem
>     capabilities) is to test for a recognized filesystem type that supports them, I
>     guess?
> It's worse than that, though, because SELinux is an option orthogonal to file
> system, and this probably varies by macos version (assuming it isn't an option,
> which I don't actually know --- case sensitivity is). 

I'm open to suggestions.

Unfortunately, I dunno how to distinguish "probe to see if the system is like
this" and "probe to see if the command works". It's one of those things that's
easy for a human to do, and hard to automate in generic-ish environment.

(Then again my brain is kind of jello right now. At the end of a very busy 3
weeks I flew 9 timezones and went off caffeine at the same time. Which I
shouldn't have been back _on_ but the milk tea in japan is extremely alluring
and available in 2 out of 3 vending machines and in every conbini. Plus I was
flying with a sore throat because my usual "travel = sick" seems to have kicked
in right as I was leaving this time. I've slept more than 12 hours/day since I
got back and it's apparently not enough. So I'm not sure how much "can't see the
solution right now" means at the moment...)


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