[Toybox] Fwd: hexedit uses VT-420 scroll ctrl sequences which dont work on tty1

Jarno Mäkipää jmakip87 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 25 23:31:44 PDT 2019

L and M escapes seems to work nicely. I will send patch to Rob for
hexedit and continue working on vi

thank you


On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 7:42 AM James McMechan
<james.w.mcmechan at gmail.com> wrote:
> The console_codes page does not seem to include SD/SU \e[1S/\e[1T.
> I however have used IL/DL \e[1L/\e[1M which insert/remove lines at the cursor.
> e.g. \e[1;1H\e[5L puts 5 blank lines at the top of screen scrolling everything down and \e[1;1H\e[2M deletes the top two lines scrolling everything up.
> In a quick test with "echo -e" seems to work on framebuffer console, screen and xterm
> Personally, I use screen instead of either tmux or minicom
> I use it for the multiple windows and less insane serial port handling.
> With minicom I spent a bit of each setup fixing it so it stopped trying so hard to help me and would just connect me to the serial port...
> If I needed some weird setting with screen I would just use stty </dev/ttyUSB1 cs7 9600 or whatever in a second window.
> One reason for screen etc. is that even now we have embedded boards that can't seem to have their serial ports work correctly above 9600 and on those occasions I need to run a serial port remotely via modem it has been getting slower. Even high speed modems tend to max out around 24Kbps which seems to be dropping recently, I suspect the switching to packet switched digital backhaul with modern codecs breaks the assumptions modems were built with so they run slower.
> Jim McMechan
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