[Toybox] [PATCH] blkdiscard (for review)

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Fri Apr 10 00:39:30 PDT 2020

On 4/9/20 12:54 AM, Patrick Oppenlander wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> I needed blkdiscard for an embedded job so had a go at putting it together.

Applied, let's see...

> Length & offset parsing don't match util-linux where MB, GB are powers
> of 1000 and M, MiB, G, GiB are powers of 1024.
> I didn't use xioctl to avoid leaking fd if CFG_TOYBOX_FREE is set. Is
> there a better solution to this?

CFG_TOYBOX_FREE is... squishy.

In theory there's no point freeing memory and closing files right before a
program exits, because the process is about to go away and the OS will clean all
that up. But the android guys like running stuff under valgrand and such to find
resource leaks (even when they don't necessarily matter). There are long-running
programs that shouldn't leak (if "sed" leaked memory for each line of input it
processed it would run out of memory handling a large enough input file), but
something like nice/sleep/nproc/mount/insmod ever freeing memory is kind of

The use cases I had in mind when I put in CFG_TOYBOX_FREE were:

A) the busybox space I was leaving behind (routers and such)

B) knoppix as described in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkJkyMuBm3g#t=1m18s

C) Countering Trusting Trust
not just through diverse double compiling (https://dwheeler.com/trusting-trust/)
but through a fully auditable system small enough people can examine the
binaries if they really want to.

All of which can benefit from saving a few bytes here and there, which argues
for dropping the unnecessary cleanup entirely. But the arguments in _favor_ of
having it were:

D) Any command that can fully clean up after itself could run MAYFORK from the
toybox shell, which is faster.

E) If somebody wants to run this stuff on bare metal (or glue it into a
bootloader like u-boot; some context where you haven't GOT an OS cleaning up
after you) then each command has to clean up after itself because nothing else will.

Since then Android showed up and ate 80% of the attention, and they like having
the cleanup because valgrind and their own automated auditing, so they switch
the option on in their configs. But for a command that's never going to run
mayfork and never be run from a bare metal context... eh? The leak only ever
causes a real world problem in the D and E cases, and "blkdiscard" isn't
something there's any point in micro-optimizing. (Running test/echo/true in the
shell's process is a signifcant enough timesaver to be worth a nofork audit.)


P.S. Alright, I'll explain (C):

Long ago the inventor of Unix modified his C compiler to recognize when it was
compling the login program and insert a backdoor root account, then modified the
C compiler to recognize when it was compiling _itself_ and insert two backdoors:
one for the login program, and the new one for itself. Then he deleted the
backdoor from the compiler source, but gave the BSD guys the hacked binary that
would trojan both programs in a self-replicating way.

Years later somebody gave him a lifetime achievement award and he explained what
he'd done in his acceptance speech. Wheeler's PHD thesis was "if you build with
two different compilers you can clean that sort of trojan out because they'd
have to recognize _each_other_ and predict you were going to do that".

MY fix is to make a system small and simple enough that a sufficiently trained
group of professional reverse engineers can make it through "objdump -d" of the
whole thing in a reasonable amount of time, and then build the system under that
known good base. (This is what the Norad guys were doing in the video in (B)
which his why they were using the smallest and simplest implementations they
could find for high-security systems.) And we're doing the hardware side of that
over at https://j-core.org.)

Still Rob

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