[Toybox] GitHub Apps - Repo Lockdown · GitHub

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Sun Aug 16 20:23:12 PDT 2020

On 8/16/20 2:31 PM, enh via Toybox wrote:
> https://github.com/apps/repo-lockdown 
> Turns out there is a way to automate telling folks with pull requests to try the
> mailing list instead. See link.
> (This came up on the tzdata mailing list. I have no personal experience.)

Eh, its not a huge deal. The list is my personal preference, but wget pull
request plus ".patch" on the end feeds straight into "git am".

There's a generational divide between old people who grew up on mailing lists
and younguns who grew up on web forums. People young enough that "here's a list
of 37 websites that went away, you can't archive this and will lose your
history" gets responded to with "I was 4 when that happened, who cares what
happens in 10 years that's forever, we'll burn that bridge when we come to it,
and just because it's happened like clockwork for decades doesn't mean it'll
happen AGAIN"...

As I said, "wide net". The real history is the git commit log I suppose...

Thanks for the pointer though.


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