[Toybox] [PATCH] chmod.test: make the tests a bit more robust.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Fri Dec 18 03:21:50 PST 2020

On 12/16/20 4:39 PM, enh wrote:
>     While doing that, apparently host chmod -f on a directory that doesn't currently
>     exist returns an error (which would make your && not continue and recreate it).
>     rm -f thingy is happen if thingy doesn't already exist, but chmod -f isn't.
> i should have said "only tested on macOS".

Which I can't test on here, so may break...

Sigh, this whole thing would be moot if tests/rm.test:

  mkdir -p one && touch one/two && chmod 000 one
  toyonly testing "-rf 000 dir" \
    "rm -rf one 2>/dev/null && [ ! -e one ] && echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
  chmod 777 one 2>/dev/null ; rm -rf one

wasn't "toyonly". MY rm got that part right.

I don't remember if I made dirtree work at infinite depth yet, though. I came up
with a design for it, don't think I actually implemented it yet? That's both a
posix requirement _and_ a pragmatic requirement because "mv ~/bigtree ." can
always create an arbitrarily deep path and then you gotta be able to get rid of it.

While I'm using openat() for everything, I still hit filehandle exhaustion
having too many dirfd open simultaneously. But those filehandles are only valid
during the lifetime of the callback function anyway, so what I was gonna do was
(at least beyond some depth threshold) keep the current and parent open, and
then when it would cd .. out of the child and reopen(".") it would re-stat it to
compare the cached stat info in the dirtree struct to make sure that parent
directory's dev+inode pair hadn't changed, and just abort if it had because "mv
subdir" during a traversal is pilot error and rm -rf or mv -a should definitely
NOT cd .. out of a repotted deep directory and continue to merrily delete the
parent directories in its new context...

Anyway, I don't remember if I actually got around to implementing that, and
haven't implemented a test for it in rm yet if I did. (I'd have to check the
code and my todo lists. There's a whole "cleanup before 1.0" heap, but it comes
after populating the roadmap and emptying pending.)

> the reason i changed the test but not `make clean` was that i thought repeatedly
> running `make test_foo` (without intervening calls to `make clean`) was more
> likely to be the usual path. but maybe that's an argument for `make tests` and
> `make test_foo` forcibly removing generated/testdir as if they were at least
> that part of `make clean`?

Possibly. I agree running tests without clean is a good thing to support, but
"make clean sometimes doesn't" is a separate "we should fix that"...

>     > Also, macOS seems to disallow +s in /tmp (but not otherwise), so
>     > allow those tests to be skipped. This is why I was seeing macOS
>     > test failures locally (because I pretty much always work on toybox
>     > in /tmp) that we weren't seeing on the github CI runs (which
>     > presumably don't run in /tmp).
>     >
>     > With this, all the tests are passing locally for me on macOS again.
>     Needing to repeat skipnot before each line is awkward, lemme stare at it this
>     evening...
> i started with a bash `if` but decided i preferred your style of
> explicitly listing every skipped test. (though i guess `if ... else <a message
> about skipping all +s tests> fi` would be fine too.)

I agree that the tests should say "skipped" rather than be skipped at the higher
level. I'm saying my infrastructure probably needs a "skip until further notice"
flag I can set... hang on, I have one, it's "$SKIP".

Try now?


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