[Toybox] Test suite quandry.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Wed May 13 04:30:18 PDT 2020

I'm trying to make a scripts/root/tests that'll package up the toybox test suite
and run it in mkroot (no toysh isn't nearly ready for that yet, but I'm working
on it), and it's _mostly just:

  mkdir blah
  cp -a config scripts/ tests/ blah
  cd blah
  TEST_HOST=1 VERBOSE=fail scripts/test.sh

Except... TEST_HOST fails on a lot of the tests. Yeah mkroot has toybox as its
"host" commands, but still. The tests are SUPPOSED to run on the host too. So I
went through and started fixing a few, and I hit this:

--- a/tests/cpio.test
+++ b/tests/cpio.test
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ rm a bb ccc dddd

 # archive dangling symlinks and empty files even if we cannot open them
 touch a; chmod a-rwx a; ln -s a/cant b
-testing "archives unreadable empty files" "cpio -o -H newc|cpio -it" "a\nb\n"
"" "a\nb\n"
+toyonly testing "archives unreadable empty files" "cpio -o -H newc|cpio -it"
"a\nb\n" "" "a\nb\n"
 chmod u+rw a; rm -f a b

And the PROBLEM is it's _important_ that the dangling symlinks be archived
because if they're an absolute path or something they may not be dangling when
the initramfs extracts them. tl;dr: yet another gnu/dammit command is buggy,
film at 11.

But the problem I'm facing NOW is sticking "toyonly" in front of it isn't the
right thing. This isn't functionality only toybox has, this is functionality the
other guy SHOULD have, but the other guy (a euphemism for "The Hulk") is
expected to fail here because screamy and nonverbal. (Stallman hasn't been gone
long enough for Taika Waititi to fix the FSF.)


P.S. Simiarly, factor -32 is not "unknown option 3" for toybox, but TEST_HOST...
DOES NOBODY TEST GNU/DAMMIT SOFTWARE? Honestly, this is vicarously embarassing.

P.P.S. GNU fmt converted a space to a tab? Was it supposed to? The initial
indentation wasn't a tab...
FAIL: fmt matched tab/space
echo -ne '        hello\n\tworld' | fmt
--- expected	2020-05-13 03:33:24.880134324 -0500
+++ actual	2020-05-13 03:33:24.880134324 -0500
@@ -1 +1 @@
-        hello world
+	hello world

If I comment that test out the NEXT one passes, which means it's leaning "tab"
rather than "preserve the starting indentation" like toybox's is? What's the
logic here? There doesn't seem to be a posix spec for this, the man page says
nothing, and I refuse to read info pages on principle...

P.P.P.S. Oh hey:

  $ touch file1 file2
  $ chmod 400 file1 file2
  $ mv file2 file1
  mv: replace 'file1', overriding mode 0400 (r--------)? ^C
  $ echo n | mv file2 file1
  $ ls file*

That's, um, wrong. That's the regression test suite finding an actual bug in
coreutils or whatever's providing that gnu/dammit version of mv. Seriously, I
stdin isn't a tty, it doesn't warn and prompt, it just fries the target. Even
though mv has a -f, I guess the guy guys don't care? The behavior is "prompt to
stderr, read from stdin" whether or not it's a tty? Did I miss something?)

P.P.P.P.S. coreutils paste hasn't got utf8 support?

P.P.P.P.P.S. readlink -q doesn't work in debian:

  $ ln -snf link link
  $ readlink -q link

Seriously, -q is DOCUMENTED AS QUIET IN YOUR MAN PAGE. I am not trying to have
toybox have a HIGHER standard than the conventional Linux command line, I'm just
trying for my version of BASIC COMPETENCE here. Do you not test ANYTHING? I mean
yeah when Redhat's "which filenotfound" started crapping output in the not found
case when that's NOT HOW THAT COMMAND EVER WORKED I thought that was weird, but
that was post-enterprise Red Hat I.E. Pointy Hair Linux trying to shove systemd
down everyone's throat so they could be the only people in the world who
understand how it works and thus justify $5k/seat support contracts. It's
amazing any _part_ of that still works. I expected better from "not that"...

(Good grief, this isn't the THOROUGH test suite I want to do with a close
reading of the spec and thinking through every corner case. This is just what
I've slapped together so far by recording tests I ran to answer questions while
implementing this stuff.)

I have reached "step away from the keyboard" time, it would seem.

Still Rob

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