[Toybox] The cut -C test is failing because bionic's wcwidth() doesn't match glibc or musl.

enh enh at google.com
Tue Oct 26 17:35:46 PDT 2021

On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 8:34 PM Rob Landley <rob at landley.net> wrote:

> On 10/25/21 4:53 PM, enh wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 12:18 AM Rob Landley <rob at landley.net
> >     On 10/20/21 4:35 PM, enh wrote:
> >     > if you don't mind creating a /system directory (or symlink) in /,
> you can just
> >     > run like that. there's a script in AOSP bionic that sets up all
> the links you
> >     > need to run the bionic tests on the host.
> >
> >     [Removed flailing trying to find the script, you said where it is
> later.]
> >
> >     Does it fix the OTHER warnings about being unable to
> "__bionic_open_tzdata:
> >     couldn't find any tzdata when looking for utc!" and such? I still
> need to fix
> >     the "FAIL: find -type f -user -exec" because bionic can't read my
> $USER out of
> >     /etc/passwd...
> >
> >     Ahem:
> >
> >     env: exec env: No such file or directory
> >     PASS: env -i
> >
> >     Right, you disabled builtins,
> >
> > yeah, to try to reduce mksh/toybox confusion. if/when we switch /bin/sh
> to
> > toybox it should reduce compat issues too.
> Doing so uncovered a legitimate bug (which I've been too buried to address
> but
> it's on the todo list) and made me think I might need to run the test
> suite with
> every combination of CFG_TOYBOX_* toggled, which is exponentially
> increasing on
> the number of options. :(

it's definitely useful to at least test the "all toybox" configuration,
since that's basically what we test on Android (modulo mksh as the shell).
but i catch anything like that within a week or so anyway :-)

> >     and there's no $PATH. I should $(which env) there.
> >     And maybe add an || echo fail
> >
> >     (And now having done the $(which) annd checked it in... "env -i env"
> on the host
> >     does NOT have this failure. The -i does not apply to env's own exec.
> Sequencing
> >     I need to fiddle with...)
> >
> >     All the other failures seem to be the unicode plumbing.
> >
> >     >     (And when I _tried_ to create a chroot as a normal user,
> bionic segfaulted
> >     >     before calling main() because /dev/null wasn't there. Did that
> ever
> >     get fixed?
> >     >     Hard to run an init linked against bionic when that's the case.
> >     >
> >     > have you tried? i'm pretty sure there's a special case for pid 1,
> for exactly
> >     > this reason :-)
> >
> >     I'm going to give you a moment to think about what you did.
> >
> > yeah, it's one of those things that's hard to reason about ---
> I was wincing that you'd added a special case to work around a bug, and in
> the
> non-special case used a segfault as a security mechanism. (Although
> rereading
> bionic/libc_init_common.cpp it's more explicit/intentional about it all
> than I
> remembered.)
> > "does my
> > tiger-repellant bracelet actually work, or are there just no tigers
> where i
> > live?".
> As Alice asked the White Knight in "Through the Looking Glass".
> > specifically "has Android never had a stdio confusion CVE because of
> > this, or because the world had already moved on from those security bugs
> [which
> > were all the rage when Android started], or just because we don't have
> anything
> > like inetd?".
> Or because you're didn't have an NDK for the first several years and third
> party
> apps are almost entirely GUI programs that don't really interact with a
> text
> console?
> What stops code from losing track of filehandles and calling close(1) and
> then
> opening a new stdout a moment later by accident? I remember segfaulting
> one of
> the gnu tools feeding it "-" as an argument more than once (it was a "what
> happens if" test implementing the toybox version and the answer, as is so
> often
> the case, is "nobody in gnu-land ever thought of that or tried it").


> This is why toybox has notstdio() and xopen_stdio() and such in
> lib/xwrap.c to
> handle this sort of thing itself on _every_ open. (xopen_stdio() being the
> version that DOESN'T dup() any filehandle <3 and backfill with /dev/null
> until
> it's returning fd 3 or greater.)
> > hard to untangle those, and since security -- like law -- is an
> > ass-covering business, no-one wants to be the one to _remove_ anything,
> even if
> > it's not obvious that it's really helping. (and in this case it's not
> obvious
> > that it's _not_ helping, so...)
> The specific problem I had was:
>   $ x86_64-linux-android-cc --static hello2.c
>   $ mkdir ch
>   $ mv a.out ch
>   $ sudo chroot ch ./a.out
>   Segmentation fault
> The new bionic process _had_ an existing stdin/stdout/stderr, and yet
> segfaulted
> because the startup code tried to open("/dev/null") before it even looked
> at the
> three filehandles. The sanitizer had nothing to do and did it wrong.
> (Failed
> doing something it would then immediately undo without using.)
> If instead the whole fixup function was just:
>   for (i = 0; i<3; i++)
>     if (-1 == fcntl(i, F_GETFL) && errno == EBADF) open("/dev/null",
> O_RDWR));
> Then:
> A) Posix says open() returns lowest fd available so it has to backfill
> 0/1/2, no
> dup() required.
> 2) Defers the open() until there's an actual problem. Yes it calls open
> more
> than once if it has more than one thing to do (instead of dup) but it's
> one call
> made in a loop, and doesn't happen at all in the common case.

yeah, that sounds reasonable. done in

> III) I didn't bother checking for error because inability to open
> "/dev/null" is
> a "should never happen" in a function already attempting to correct for a
> "should never happen", which then may or may not cause an actual problem
> later
> on if it hadn't been corrected. Six sigma meets a billion unit volume
> means you
> hit 3400 failures so I understand the paranoia, but this is two levels of
> pilot
> error to reach a maybe. However if you really want to error check the
> deferred
> open, doing so wouldn't breaking a chroot that DOES have stdin/out/err.
> *) If you DO error you'd still need to special case PID 1 to support the
> initramfs with no /dev/console case, since that runs with no filehandles.
> (But
> personally that leans me towards not erroring; Your
> <strike>Mileage</strike>
> Scar Tissue May Vary.)
> > /me wonders whether i could at least replace the special case with a
> fallback
> > that uses open() with O_TMPFILE?
> Problem: open("/", O_RDWR|O_TMPFILE|O_EXCL) needs write access to "/" even
> if it
> isn't creating a dentry, because the new inode uses that filesystem as
> backing
> store to flush pages to on memory pressure. (And if you do write 100
> megabytes
> to it it'll try to store it instead of discarding it. (O_TMPFILE is
> mmapable,
> even with O_EXCL I think?)) Expecting a writeable directory like /dev or
> /tmp to
> exist is the same problem as expecting /dev/null to exist: chroot doesn't
> guarantee any specific filesystem layout.
> When I need a dummy filehandle without a filesystem I call pipe() and
> close the
> other end. (Writes would error but that happens with shell pipelines all
> the
> time...)
> That said, the /dev/null approach would probably be fine if the open was
> deferred until it was actually shown to be needed.
> >     > because the last thing the world needs is _multiple_ copies of all
> the i18n
> >     > data. icu is the source of truth for that on Android. (we've had
> bugs in the
> >     > past in this area that made us clean up our act.)
> >
> >     It's the dlopen() that hurts. I'd ask why there's no libicu.a, but
> the r21d ndk
> >     doesn't seem to have a libicu.so either. I should grab a newer
> version...
> >
> > icu4c in apps is ... complicated. but you're never getting a *static*
> icu4c for
> > the same "the icu data format and schema aren't stable" reasons i've
> mentioned
> > before.
> So utf8 won't ever work in static bionic the same way DNS queries won't
> work in
> static glibc (because that needs to dlopen libnss).

fancy stuff like widths won't work, no.

> >     Static linking is a legitimate use case. Android does not
> particularly treat it
> >     as such, but I'm going to keep periodically tapping the sign.
> >
> > it's a legitimate use case _if you're prepared to carry everything around
> > yourself_. and that is supported --- feel free to build your own icu4c
> and ship
> > your own 30MiB data file :-)
> *shrug* Musl seems to do it well enough for me. I admit I'm not a polyglot.

yeah, the libc APIs aren't really useful for any serious i18n work anyway
(look at the amount of detail lost in the translation from the icu4c API to
the wcwidth() one, for example).

> > (we did finally get a stable supported subset of the icu4c API for apps
> into the
> > NDK for S aka 12, but that doesn't help your use case.)
> I need to make the /system symlink you suggested work. Possibly in a mkroot
> image under qemu. Unfortunately it was fiddly enough I didn't get through
> it
> over the weekend and it went back on the todo list.
> >     I was hoping that after the aosp build there'd be a system directory
> that I
> >     could ln -s /system to and it would just work. Instead:
> >
> >       # source this script in bash
> >
> >       source ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/build/envsetup.sh
> >
> >     So we have to do the envsetup in order for $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP to be
> set, and
> >     then this script does it _again_. Right.
> >
> > (fwiw, i think that's for the buildbots.)
> >
> >     Before I run something that makes this many assumptions as root so
> it can make
> >     presumably persistent changes to my host system, I think I'm going
> to try to
> >     read it a little more closely. Thanks for the pointer.
> >
> > oh, yeah, to be clear: i was suggesting you boil this down to the three
> or four
> > lines you actually need (since aiui part of your goal is to _not_ have
> to have a
> > complete AOSP checkout that's up to date and built).
> I like having an up to date AOSP checkout, but updating and rebuilding is
> nontrivial for me.
> >     > that should set you up with everything you need (and both 32- and
> 64-bit
> >     too, if
> >     > you're chasing something 32-bit-only).
> >
> >     It declares a shell function, and then doesn't call it. What it DOES
> do is eval
> >     a soong invocation, and says to read envsetup.sh (which is just
> under 2000 lines
> >     long) to figure out what --dumpvars-mode does (that env and declare
> -p
> >     presumably don't).
> >
> > yeah, you just need the `ln -s`s.
> The ones under:
>     if [ ${TARGET_ARCH} = x86 -o ${TARGET_ARCH} = x86_64 ]; then
> Which apparently don't have a corresponding arm version?

yeah, i don't have an arm host that's faster than a phone anyway.

> > if you follow the history far back enough, it
> > used to basically just be that, but things got a lot more complicated to
> support
> > all the different kinds of builds, and the multiple supported build
> environments
> > (bots versus humans in particular).
> I know the feeling.
> I spent a chunk of the weekend staring at scripts/mkroot.sh trying to
> figure out
> how to simplify it. I'm unhappy with all the setup plumbing before "Create
> new
> root filesystem's directory layout", it's too complicated. (And I'm trying
> to
> add record-commands support to it, which doesn't help.)
> > if you just manually do the `ln -s` for /system/bin and /system/lib64
> (and
> > /system/lib if you care about 32-bit), you're most of the way there, and
> i think
> > the error messages you get when you run will point you at the other bits
> (tz data?).
> Might take a stab this weekend, but right now I'm hip deep in yocto
> plumbing.
> (Which is the opposite of fun but pays the bills.)
> Rob
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