[Toybox] [landley/toybox] Release notes for 0.8.10 (cbc3e2c)

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Tue Aug 1 09:59:40 PDT 2023

I really hate having long discussions in github per-line comments to merged
commits, because nobody will ever be able to _find_ them again six months from
now if that history needs to be referenced.

Continuing from:


On 8/1/23 09:50, enh-google wrote:
> yeah, but (a) gsed isn't part of macOS (it's from homebrew) and (b) since that's
> actually a fairly new sed, as far as we know, /sed/ isn't the point at all ---
> it's just that process launching is slow and (c) because we don't have a second
> witness, as far as we know, it's just /my/ mac that's slow anyway.

The second witness is Zach van Rijn gave me ssh access to:

  __  __                        _       _   __  __ _
 |  \/  | __ _  ___   _ __ ___ (_)_ __ (_) |  \/  / |
 | |\/| |/ _` |/ __| | '_ ` _ \| | '_ \| | | |\/| | |
 | |  | | (_| | (__  | | | | | | | | | | | | |  | | |
 |_|  |_|\__,_|\___| |_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|_| |_|  |_|_|
                                ___  ____
    _     _ __ ___   __ _  ___ / _ \/ ___|  Welcome to Darwin on
  _| |_  | '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ __| | | \___ \  Apple Silicon (16GB)
 |_   _| | | | | | | (_| | (__| |_| |___) |
   |_|   |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\___|\___/|____/      2020 M1 Mac Mini

 Hardware donated, hosted,                   Report issues here:
 and managed by Adélie Linux.                      zv.io/contact

I was guessing that the homebrew launch plumbing is a latency spike comparable
with cygwin (for similar reasons: gnu duct-taped to non-gnu), but I hadn't dug
nontrivially into it because even _with_ homebrew:

  $ date +%s.%N

That said, looking again:

  $ ./toybox date +%s.%N; gsed 2>/dev/null; ./toybox date +%s.%N
  $ ./toybox date +%s.%N; sed </dev/null 2>/dev/null; ./toybox date +%s.%N
  $ ./toybox date +%s.%N; ./toybox date +%s.%N

It's not _that_ bad? 7 ms to do basically nothing...

  $ ./toybox date +%s.%N; false; false; false; ./toybox date +%s.%N
  $ ./toybox date +%s.%N; /usr/bin/false; /usr/bin/false; /usr/bin/false;
./toybox date +%s.%N

Toybox date isn't noticeably slower than launching "false" (shell builtin is
basically free). So maybe the problem is that MacOS is slow at launching ANY
binary? (Blame the mach-o plumbing? 7 ms on one of the new fire-breathing M1
chips is presumably a bit longer on an old laptop. We also didn't ask gsed to
_do_ anything, I dunno if there's lazy binding and such on mac pulling in more
shared libraries if you actually exercise code paths...)

The </dev/null above is because macos sed run with no arguments acts as "cat".
I'm not sure why? Nothing else seems to...

  $ echo hello world | sed
  hello world
  $ echo hello world | awk
  usage: awk [-F fs] [-v var=value] [-f progfile | 'prog'] [file ...]
  $ echo hello world | tr
  usage: tr [-Ccsu] string1 string2
         tr [-Ccu] -d string1
         tr [-Ccu] -s string1
         tr [-Ccu] -ds string1 string2
  $ echo hello world | gsed 2>&1 | wc
        41     207    1797

> i think either of just s/their// or s/their gsed/gsed on macOS/ would be
> accurate and fair, but the current wording is quite misleading (or at least,
> "doesn't accurately say what we /know/ to be true").

The new one's faster. It goes to 11. I'm happy to admit the old slowness was
bypassed (by staying within bash) rather than thoroughly root caused...


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