[Toybox] Happy new year.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Sun Jan 1 14:10:53 PST 2023

I've been a bit quiet here, but I'm at least trying to blog steadishly at

I'm trying to get toysh to run the test suite, and then get it to run mkroot
using the cross compiler squashfs instances, because that's the blocker to
dogfooding this stuff. Done properly the test suite is a near-infinite time
sink, but it needs doing.

There have been a whole bunch of tangents from this, including me breaking down
and putting up a linux kernel tree with my own patch stack against it (currently
https://github.com/landley/linux/tree/mkroot-6.1 but the name implies I should
do a new one each release).

Yeah, I'm way late on a release. I should do that...


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