[Toybox] [PATCH] toysh: [ isn't a bultin in single command binaries while test and [[ are. Also shut up arch by replacing egrep with grep -E

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Mon Feb 12 05:43:51 PST 2024

>> Also, at least on arch linux, egrep has been replaced by a shell
>> script that warns the user that egrep is deprecated,
> Why did gnu do that?  What's wrong with egrep?  It's been part of the
> linux command line as long as I've been using linux.

Probably as long as Linux has been mature enough to have a command
line.  I've been using Unix variants since BSD 4.1c (briefly, replaced
with BSD 4.2 once the university I was at could get a copy), and I'm
fairly sure egrep has been there the whole time.

> In this case, the question making it non-obvious (to me) is how
> should I RESPOND to the FSF being an obvious bully over an aesthetic
> issue that breaks backwards compatibility with an uncountable number
> of scripts.

Well, personally, my reaction is to say "that's on them" and continue
using - and shipping, if applicable - egrep.  If you want to be
particularly nice to your users, add a documentation note saying that
some Linux distros seem to think egrep is deprecated but that you see
no reason to mollycoddle bullies who think they can pull that sort of
stunt just because they're big.

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