[Toybox] gcc vs llvm -static-libasan

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Tue Jul 9 05:59:45 PDT 2024

On 6/12/24 16:08, Rob Landley wrote:
> <p>The new debian toolchain also broke gcc/glibc ASAN, complaining (at runtime)
> "ASan runtime does not come first in initial library list; you should
> either link runtime to your application or manually preload it with
> LD_PRELOAD." which is that <a href=27-04-2024>library ordering</a>
> nonsense back to rear its ugly head again and I refuse to humor
> these INSANE ASSHOLES. If LLVM/bionic works without this, then it's
> NOT REQUIED, they're just really bad at it. Notice how the error message
> doesn't don't say which library to LD_PRELOAD if I _did_ want to fix it,
> it just refuses to work where the previous version worked. A clear regression.
> Which I'm late enough in reporting it's a fait accompli, and I'm in the wrong
> for not noticing their fuck-up in a timely manner. Far too late to start making
> a fuss about it now...</p>
> <p>(Is a required library not installed? I used "build-essential" instead
> of manually installing gcc and make precisely so it would scoop up that kind
> of nonsense... And it's complaining about library ORDERING, which is not
> supposed to be a thing when dynamic linking.)</p>

So the local fix I've had for this is to add -static-libasan to CFLAGS in the
ASAN portion of scripts/portability.sh which fixes gcc. Note that I need this to
do a NON-STATIC ASAN=1 build, because otherwise I get the "runtime does not come
first" error above. And no, this is not a toybox issue:

$ gcc hello.c -fsanitize-address -O1 -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer
$ ./a.out
==5942==ASan runtime does not come first in initial library list; you should
either link runtime to your application or manually preload it with LD_PRELOAD.

But I wanted to regression test -static-libasan against the NDK before checking
it in, and I just installed ndk-r26d on the new laptop to do that.

The first reason it doesn't work is that llvm chose -static-libsan instead. I
note that gcc does not accept "static-libsan" and llvm does not accept

The SECOND reason it doesn't work is that a --static linked NDK toybox binary
with -static-libsan says "error: undefined sunbol: _DYNAMIC" referenced by
sanitizer_linux.cpp called from libclang_rt.asan-x86_64-android.a

To reproduce that, I extracted the ndk zip file into my home directory and did:

$ ln -s ~/android-ndk-r26d/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin ~/llvm
$ echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n"$(dirname "$0")"/clang --target=x86_64-linux-android34
"$@"' > ~/llvm/llvm-cc
$ chmod +x ~/llvm/llvm-cc
$ cd ~/toybox/toybox
$ CROSS_COMPILE=~/llvm/llvm- LDFLAGS=--static make clean defconfig toybox

And then switched off SU and LOGIN in .config because of crypt (it's on the todo
list), but the rest built! But then adding ASAN=1, the NDK build broke, although
-static-libsan doesn't seem to affect that (it builds dynamic with it but I
can't run the result, and the build breaks static without it because the OTHER
asan libraries inappropriately assume dynamic linking).

I'd like to check in the -static-libasan at the end of the CFLAGS string for
ASAN to fix the debian build (on the theory ASAN doesn't work for me in the NDK
_anyway_), but I don't want to break the (dynamic) android build (which
complains it's an unknown flag with "do you mean libsan").

Any suggestions?


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