[Toybox] POSIX 2024 changes

Ray Gardner raygard at gmail.com
Tue Jul 23 07:13:30 PDT 2024

I modified an old HTML diff program by Ian Bicking to run with
Python3, and wrote a little shell script to compare the 2018 version of
a utility spec to the 2024 version. Run like:

./diffposixutil.sh sed

This downloads the old and new versions of the sed.html spec from
https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/ and
https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9799919799/utilities/ and runs
htmldiff.py, putting the result in dif/sed.html. I've attached the
shell script, htmldiff.py, and the opengroup style.css from their
utilities folder.

I ran this on the awk spec and got quite a few differences I'll have
to review, including some that are obvious editorial errors. I'll try
to bring the errors to the attention of someone at the open group.

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