[Toybox] [mkroot] Cannot Overwrite non-directory "$ROOT/bin/" with directory "[Path to overlay]"

Oliver Webb aquahobbyist at proton.me
Mon May 6 21:33:14 PDT 2024

On Sunday, May 5th, 2024 at 21:21, Rob Landley <rob at landley.net> wrote:

> Oh, the other todo item here is "multiple overlays". The current overlay package
> was a quick hack, never did the design work to figure out what what more
> complication should look like. Partly waiting for people to complain to me that
> they need more than it does...

Maybe making the OVERLAY variable a delimiter separated list, looping over
it each time the overlay package is specified. Then indexing the OVERLAY variable like a
array with that counter (I don't really know how bash arrays work, I think this is easy
with them though from my vague knowladge, although I don't know)?
> It hasn't got "make". Kind of limiting factor not to have a make command on the
> target.

gmake has a "./build.sh" that you can use to bootstrap it up on a system
without make. My first step in this after I hacked together a overlay was
to get a gmake tarball and try to build it with "./configure && ./build.sh && ./make install",
which configure (on host bash, not toysh) goes into a infinite loop without
expr, and putting that in will fail because "host compiler does not produce
run-able executable" (Which might be true because I have to manually hack together
a overlay each time and I throw out quick "hello world" tests mostly).

Thank you for the large amount of useful technical information.

- Oliver Webb <aquahobbyist at proton.me>

P.S. About Tinycc: The <slash>insecure</slash>"mob" branch of tcc can build
toybox in 5.5x less time than gcc to produce a executable only 25% bigger.
The only 2 changes are to not link with LDOPTIMIZE flags tcc doesn't have,
and to define the QUIET macro in portability.h that isn't defined on anything
but clang and gcc. I haven't tried this on anything but the mob branch, and
the old version of tcc most repos provides chokes on the headers.

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