[Toybox] strlower() bug

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Wed May 8 06:48:27 PDT 2024

On 5/6/24 17:12, Ray Gardner wrote:
> While working on an awk implementation for toybox, I found a bug in
> strlower(), which is used only in find.c. I've attached some tests to
> put in find.test to reveal it. I can't put them here directly because
> I don't think the UTF-8 names will come through. (I modelled my awk
> tolower()/toupper() code on your strlower().)

Your test doesn't create the files you're finding, so find is supposed to fail?
Your first test doesn't barf under ASAN, and then the second one's going to fail
because echo -n | wc says it's 258 bytes and the VFS file length limit is 255
bytes, so there CAN'T be a file named that on Linux. (Path length != path
component length, there's no slashes in there.)

> The problem is in the test if the output string needs to be enlarged
> to take an expanded lowercase:
>     // Case conversion can expand utf8 representation, but with extra mlen
>     // space above we should basically never need to realloc
>     if (mlen+4 > (len = new-try)) continue;
> The mlen+4 needs to be mlen-4 to leave at least 4 bytes for the next character.

Hmmm, possibly. I still don't understand what your test case is testing. (Just
trying to trigger an ASAN violation with an otherwise nonsense test?)

> As the comment indicates, it should "never" need to realloc;

No, the first comment is "never" because triggering probably indicates a libc
bug (we converted it from valid utf8 to a unicode code point, ran it through
libc's towlower(), and are now trying to convert the result _back_ to utf8, an
encoding hiccup at this point seems unlikely? But I don't trust locale plumbing
ever, so...)

The second is "basically never" because it requires an insane input string, but
that's user controlled and users do crazy things, sometimes even intentionally.

> it takes
> a very long name of uppercase characters that do expand when made
> lowercase. But the code is there to handle that very case.

The first malloc rounds the allocation up to next 8 byte boundary _after_ what
it's actually using, so 9-16 bytes of zeroes at the end, and assuming the
conversion only ever grows 1 byte (I don't remember the pathological expansion
case, it's in my blog somewhere, but your test is turning c8 ba into e2 b1 a5
which is 1 byte of expansion) then you need at least 8 expanding unicode code
points to burn through the padding, so your first test string is too short to
trigger a problem. And your second is too long to produce a valid filename, so
the test can't _succeed_...

Sigh, lemme come up with a test that demonstrates the fix working... the minimal
one seems to be ./find . -iname aaaaaȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺ

And then, of course, TEST_HOST fails because I need to enable a utf8 locale, but
I made plumbing for that recent-ish-ly...

commit 6800a95ef328

> BTW, when I run those tests, they "PASS", but show as aborted:
> corrupted size vs. prev_size
> scripts/runtest.sh: line 137: 265983 Aborted                 find .
> PASS: find utf8 uppercase long name


> The test echos and checks the $? return code and the abort apparently
> leaves that as 0.

That could be anything from a bash issue to your distro's libc. The only trap in
tests.sh is for SIGINT, and that handler isn't inherited by child processes. The
return code of a process killed by a signal should be 128+signum, which the test
plumbing would notice if it was the actual exit code of your shell snippet.

I checked in a test that should actually succeed, but would fail with ASAN
enabled before the bug was fixed.

> Is there a way to fix the test system so it can
> force the exit code to be something else?

Not if the signal/exit isn't allowed to propagate back to it by the test. You
ran a child process and then unconditionally did an ;echo $? meaning test.sh
doesn't get notified of the child process getting killed by a signal, it
unconditionally (because ;) went on to run a second command, "echo" which is
returning whatever your bash recorded.

Some distros have horrible fault interceptors that log crap into syslog or dmesg
or some such, AND THEN RETURN SUCCESS. (Which is doubly insane: A) a program
faulting does not need to be globally logged on a development system, B)
returning success when that happens is very sad, but their "logic" was that some
scripts would otherwise misbehave.)

> When I run the test from a
> command line directly in bash, it gets a code of 134 (SIGABRT).

Without ASAN I'm getting 139 (128+11 = SIGSEGV). There would appear to be a
difference in our environments.


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