[Toybox] strlower() bug

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Fri May 10 12:48:59 PDT 2024

On 5/8/24 16:27, Ray Gardner wrote:
> BTW I was a bit surprised that mentioning my awk for toybox got no reaction.

Oh I'm interested, but somebody (probably you) mentioned they were looking into
it before, and I'll wait to see some code first. :)

(The problem with asking to see code early is pending/git.c isn't useful and
that's as far as the original developer had time/energy for, and I haven't
personally opened that can of worms y et. The problem with waiting until it's
done is pending/bc.c was several times larger than I expected and I'm uncertain
if I even want to personally open that can of worms.)

That said, if you're actively working on it and wanted to do a brief design
infodump here, consider it solicited. :)


P.S. Also, my old Austin house finally went on the market last weekend and we
got a lowball bid two days later that the realtor was doing the GO GO GO DON'T
STOP TO THINK ACT NOW SUPPLIES RUNNING OUT pressure thing you see in most scams,
because apparently houses and bananas have a similar lifespan and if it's on the
market for longer than it takes anyone outside the realtor's immediate friend
circle to find out about it the world will end. So now there's all the paperwork
in the world. Fade and I had to get a printout notarized on wednesday. They're
asking when we last had all the plumbing and wiring in the walls replaced. (Is
that a thing people regularly do after houses are built?) I had to docusign a
leaded paint affidavit addendum. The old bank that holds the mortage we're
paying off called me to try to upsell me on a NEW mortgage (we're renting for
now), and the person wanting to "transfer me to an agent" wouldn't get off the
phone for 20 minutes. And Wells Fargo got our addresses updated so it says our
checking account type is changing to one that charges us a $10 fee/month for
existing. Anyway, if I seem a bit distracted right now it's because I am.

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