[Toybox] Patch submission process

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Tue Feb 7 05:39:22 PST 2012

On 02/07/2012 06:09 AM, Luis Felipe Strano Moraes wrote:
>> Looks like Ubuntu broke Dulwich.  Thanks Ubuntu...
>> It's 11:30 and I have work in the morning, I'll try again tomorrow...
> Actually, I've been toying with hg-git and so far it doesn't seem to
> work completely right. Basically I've been able to make it work only
> by starting afresh everytime, but the interaction with existing git
> repo does not seem to go just fine. Pulling also didn't quite work as
> expected, so unless it works for you, I'm considering just giving this
> up for now and focusing on toybox itself.

Focusing on toybox is what I've been doing. Mercurial-git integration is
a todo item of mine, but not a high priority one, and not really _my_
problem (it should work upstream).

Submit a bug report and move on, I guess...

> I've pushed both this commit (and the other initial one for the who
> command) to my mercurial repository on bitbucket:
> https://bitbucket.org/lfelipe/toybox

I've re-cloned it but I'll have to look at it tomorrow.  Time to go to
work, and this evening I've got stuff...

> They are both on top of your latest commits, I should probably have
> made them on a separate branch, but I don't know Mercurial yet, will
> be going over some docs for it later today.

I don't make extensive use of the features myself.  (I'm probably going
to have to learn now that there are more committers. :)




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