[Toybox] Editors and such.

David Seikel onefang at gmail.com
Sat Jun 30 13:42:13 PDT 2012

On Sat, 30 Jun 2012 14:52:56 -0500 Rob Landley <rob at landley.net> wrote:

> On 06/25/2012 04:04 PM, David Seikel wrote:
> > One thing I'm wondering about.  A lot of these editors where written
> > for the days of really slow serial connections.
> I think we can assume that a serial connection will be 115k or so.

Works for me.  B-)

> > Not worrying about these things means we don't complicate the code
> > with lots of optimizations for how much we output, or using fancy
> > ANSI escapes for scrolling existing text and such. I think we can
> > get away with that.
> There are times scrolling existing text would be nice. Keep in mind
> that's half of what "less" does".

I did not mean the functionality of scrolling text, I meant using escape
sequences for scrolling text.  It already scrolls text, it just does a
screen redraw instead of trying to figure out which bit of the screen
it can scroll with escape sequences first before drawing the rest.

This is one of the reasons I was checking if we ever have to deal with
slow connections.  Fast ones can handle complete redraws for paging
and scrolling, and that keeps the code simple.  Optimized redraws can
come later if we feel it's needed.

> Basically, "vi" and "less" are my two initial use cases for this.
> Emacs ain't in posix. If it's a really trivial additional binding
> (basically a .config file), fine. But I personally will never use it,
> and no standard requires it.

I would not use vi or emacs, so it's gonna do what ever I like as an
editor as well as those two.  Once it can deal with the horrid vi
command and insert modes, which are no longer needed, just ancient
historic artefacts, then a simple emacs editor is just a matter of
different key bindings.

It's gotta scratch my itches as well, or it's not worth my time.  And
people will scream if I leave out emacs.  shrugs

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.
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