[Toybox] [PATCH] [CLEANUP] init: inline 2 functions, style, remove ifdef

ibid.ag at gmail.com ibid.ag at gmail.com
Wed Jan 1 16:07:04 PST 2014

cleanup init: inline 2 functions, style, remove ifdef

- Two functions (assign_signal_handler() and set_enviornment()) were
  called once from init_main(); inline them.
  (inittab_parsing() is also called once, but it's large and messy
  enough that splitting it out seems to clarify things.)

- As mentioned before, the #ifdef VT_OPENQRY block did not seem to have any
  logical behavior. I deleted that and TERM to "linux" not "vt102".
  I note though that "linux" should probably be a platform-specific
  variable, so Net/OpenBSD should get "wscons" and FreeBSD "syscons"
  if we ever support building init there.

- casting "VAR=value" to char* isn't necessary, as far as I can tell.

- Change #include<> to #include <>.

Potential issues not addressed:
-panic if fork/vfork fails (not observed; expected from final_run()).

-possible panic on some embedded platforms (CONFIG_VT disabled?):
 xprintf() means that failing to write messages will panic the kernel.

Isaac Dunham
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