[Toybox] roadmap.html

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Thu Mar 12 11:01:57 PDT 2015

On 03/11/2015 05:50 PM, enh wrote:
> i notice that the roadmap on the web doesn't correspond to the one in
> hg/git, even after the 0.5.2 release (which is now in AOSP; i synced
> to ToT again this afternoon).

My bad, I let them fall out of sync...

(A few months back my www directory under my toybox work directory was a
symlink to my ~/www/toybox directory I rsync up to the website, so when
I updated the working file it went ot the website next rsync. But since
I reinstalled my big laptop the "master" of the data is straddling two
machines and I have to cherry pick files to update the website rather
than just having a local master I keep updated and then rsync the lot
of. I need to do a cleanup pass and reestablish a local master one of
these weekends, I _have_ all the current files but... version skew.)

> i sent a patch against roadmap.html just now, removing mention of a
> command that no longer exists in Android and hadn't worked for some
> time before that, which i think is something you clearly don't want
> mentioned in roadmap but i'm curious what you think of stuff that's
> moved from toolbox to toybox. do you want roadmap to represent the
> historical replacement-with-toybox goal or the current
> what-we-still-need-to-replace goal? i.e. "would you like me to send an
> update to roadmap every time i flip something over to toybox?". so far
> i haven't been doing that, but can easily do so.

That would be really cool.

Ordinarily I try to do a cleanup pass on the docs each release, but this
time I had an attack of life and haven't done it yet.

(But hey, I got the aboriginal linux release out yesterday. That's my
"simplest build environment capable of rebuilding itself" which I would
very  much like to reproduce the android build under. I need to look at
Trevor Drake's https://github.com/trevd/android_vendor_toybox and see
what sense I can make of it, but at the moment I'm poking at a couple
bugs Kylie McClain (Somasis on freenode) told me about on the #toybox
channel last night, and then I need to track down an ethernet segfault
for $DAYJOB, and _then_ maybe I can get back to getting ps cleaned up
and promoted...)



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